Bleeding & Shock
Bleeding Control
Capillary bleeding is usually not serious and is characterized by oozing blood that is easily stopped. Venous bleeding steadily gushes larger amounts of blood, but can usually be stopped with direct pressure. Arterial bleeding is usually spurting and is the most serious because a large amount of blood can be lost quickly.
- Inspect the wound. Look for the area were the bleeding is coming from. Apply gloves.
- Use direct pressure on the wound using an absorbent pad or gauze. Add more gauze or padding if necessary.
- Make a pressure bandage by wrapping a roller gauze or elastic bandage around the wound to maintain bleeding control.
- If severe bleeding is not controlled, consider using a tourniquet.
- Activate EMS if severe bleeding is present, use direct pressure and apply pressure bandage. If wound is minor, wash and apply an antibiotic ointment, then bandage as needed.
Shock is the body’s inability to circulate oxygen to the vital organs.
Signs and symptoms of shock include:
- restlessness
- dizziness
- confusion
- cool, moist skin
- anxiety
- delayed capillary refill time
- weakness
Treatment: Recognize, Activate EMS, keep calm, give nothing to eat or drink, maintain body heat, raise the legs if no spinal injury or fracture of the legs.